Monday, May 30, 2005

Brazil pictures

I finally managed to put my Brazil pictures (or just some of them) online. Have a look!

Simone's Brazil pictures



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Margaret and I thought your pictures from Brazil were wonderful! Any from England yet???

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hallo Süessi!

Da häsch es doch glatt wieder emal gschafft s´Fernweh i miir z´wecke...sniff. Würd au gärn. Hät es paar Bilder debii wo mir sehr sehr guet gfalled...wie´s mir halt immer mit diine bilder gaht, gäll.

Ah...hmmm Cezar?!?!?!? Sexy....ich glaub da muesch mir dänn mal no gnauers verzelle...!

5:52 PM  

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